Stained glass windows. Green and purple.

Consolation Ministry

 Ministers of Consolation: meet with individuals and families who request support organize liturgies and prayer services for those who are experiencing grief send cards to those who have experienced grief where the grief experience is complex, they will assist people in connecting with specialized counselling or other sources of grief support in the community. They can provide support on behalf of the parish as we experience the emotions of grief and express our grief through mourning.

We invite you to call the parish office at 905-668-3676 for further information on how you may receive assistance and support.

Below are three documents that you can download and read:

Ministry of Consolation Brochure

Candlelight Service for a Loved One

Healing Rituals

Tips on Helping Yourself:

  1. Give yourself permission to grieve. Don’t rush the process. Be patient with yourself.
  2. Get plenty of rest. Your body needs it while recovering emotional distress.
  3. Eat proper meals.
  4. Plenty of exercise will help sadness.
  5. Treat yourself occasionally – especially to things that will add beauty to your life like flowers, new clothing or something for your home.
  6. Make sure you have someone or a group of people with whom you share your loss.
  7. If possible, don’t make major changes or important decisions during the first year.
  8. You will find comfort in continuing to talk about the person who has died.
  9. Draw on the resources of your faith or belief system to sustain you at this time. 

The Mourners' Bill of Rights

You have the right to experience your own grief.
You have the right to talk about your grief.
You have the right to feel a multitude of emotions.
You have the right to be tolerant of your physical and emotional limits
You have the right to extreme "griefburst", sudden, powerful surges of grief.
You have the right to make use of healing rituals, including the funeral
You have the right to embrace your spirituality.
You have the right to search for meaning in life and death
You have the right to treasure your memories.
You have the right to move toward your grief and heal.