Stained glass windows. Green and purple.

Finance Council

The role of the Parish Finance Council is to provide guidance and support to the Pastor in operation of the financial affairs of the Parish.  The members of the Finance Council serve at the invitation of the Pastor.  Current and past members have come from parishioners suggested by members of the current council, parishioners who approach the Pastor expressing interest in being involved, and parishioners recruited by the Pastor himself.  There are no hard or fast qualifications to be a member, except perhaps common business sense, but typically past members have been people involved in business, either small business or corporate business employees, who have experience in how a successful business is operated.  There have been accountants, small business owners or employees, and employees of large corporations with sales, service, finance or operations experience.


Anyone interested in getting involved can approach Father Francisco directly, or Brian McMonagle: 905-668-8993