Our former youth minister, Breandán McCallister, shared reflections primarily on the Sunday readings. Here is the entire collection of past videos.
4 May 2021: Christ's self-sacrificial love for us is so important to remember. This is the love we must first experience if we are to love others as He first loved us. As we reflect during this Catholic Education week on God's love for us let us not forget that we love because He first loved us.
28 April 2021: This week we dive into the 5th Sunday of Easter. Jesus shares with His disciples that He is the true vine and we are the branches. With a little visual aid from my poinsettia I look into what it means to be a branch on this vine. What is it that we need to prune in our lives to bear more fruit? Are we spiritually dead and cut off from the vine, Jesus? What steps are we taking to get to confession and be united with the vine once again?
21 April 2021: This week we have a Gospel for the Saint John. Here Jesus tells us that He is the good shepherd. The sheep hear His voice and they know Him. We are all called to get to know the voice of Christ. How are you listening to His voice in your life today?
13 April 2021: This week we look into the Gospel of Luke and one of his accounts of the resurrection. We see Jesus appear to His disciples. He shows them, and us, that His resurrection wasn't just spiritual, but bodily. How does the resurrection of the body affect the way you view life after death?
6 April 2021: This second Sunday of Easter brings us to the person of St. Thomas. Often known as doubting Thomas, he speaks a profound truth about Christ. How can we allow our doubts in faith turn into great professions of love and truth for God?
29 March 2021: On Easter we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ from the dead. This joyous time points us towards our future. To the future of the resurrection of the dead. We are called to strive each day for holiness and hopefully spend the rest of eternal life with God in heaven, body and soul.
23 March 2021: This Sunday we have a long and very rich Gospel depicting the final days and hours leading to Christ's death on the cross. We hear His final words to His disciples. We see the institution of the Eucharist. We see His betrayal, His sentence, and His crucifixion. He went through all of this for each one of us so that we could have eternal life.
Jesus follows the Father's will perfectly. Let's ask Him today for the ability to follow God's will in our life.
18 March 2021: By dying to ourselves we allow the law of God to be written on our hearts.
10 March 2021: Today we look at the Gospel from John 3:14-21. What does it mean that God gave His only Son so that you may have eternal life with Him?
3 March 2021: This week we take a look at what's keeping us from God. What are the idols in our lives that distract or even take the place of God in our lives?
24 February 2021: As we enter into the 2nd Week of Lent we are faced with a difficult story of God asking Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac. What are we to make of this?
18 February 2021: We're just starting Lent so I decided why not explain a bit of what Lent is about. I mention some ideas for fasting, prayer, and almsgiving in this video.
11 February 2021: This week we explore the Gospel reading of Jesus healing a man with leprosy.
4 February 2021: Today we look at how to respond to suffering in our lives.
27 January 2021: This Sunday St. Paul challenges us to put our focus on God.
21 January 2021: This week our Sunday readings focus on turning from things that are not of God and putting our focus on God.
14 January 2021: As Jesus invites His disciples to "come and see" He also invites us.
7 January 2021: Today we reflect on the Baptism of Our Lord. Baptism is the time when we become the beloved sons and daughters of God. As we reflect on Our Lord's Baptism let us also reflect on our Baptism.
17 December 2020: Today we look at the Gospel reading for the 4th Sunday of Advent and how it relates to sharing the Gospel message with others.
I mentioned Catholic Christian Outreach in my video. Here is a link to their organization and the Ultimate Relationship guide:
CCO: https://cco.ca/
Ultimate Relationship: https://issuu.com/ccocanada/docs/theultimaterelationship-finaldraft
10 December 2020: What are you doing to joyfully say yes to God this Advent season?